
Greece 2013
P001 The Panathenaic Stadium, meaning
P002 ... also known as the Kallimarmaro, meaning the
P003 Panathenaic Stadium... its rich history directly connected to the Modern Olympic Games as from their revival in 1896 until the Athens Olympic Games in 2004;...
P004 The Acropolis - an ancient citadel on a high rocky outcrop above the city of Athens, with the remains of several ancient buildings of great architectural and...
P005 ...The Acropolis of the fifth century BC, the most accurate reflection of the splendour, power and wealth of Athens at its greatest peak, the golden age of...
P006 ... pottery sherds of the Neolithic period (4000 -3000 BC), from near the Erechtheion, and of the Early and Middle Bronze Age, show that the hill was inhabited...
P007 ... first fortified in the Mycenaean period, walls visible today were erected after the Persian Wars in the first half of the fifth century BC, under...
P008 ... The sacred rock is approached through the Beulé gate, one of the two gates built after the third century AD Herulian invasion, or through a small door under...
P009 The Odeon of Herodes Atticus... a stone theater structure located on the southwest slope of the Acropolis, built in 161 AD by the Athenian magnate Herodes...
P009a ... originally a steep-sloped amphitheater with a three-story stone front wall and a wooden roof, lasted intact until it was destroyed and turned into a ruin by...
P010 ... The entrance to the Acropolis, a monumental gateway called the Propylaea; south of the entrance, the tiny Temple of Athena Nike. At the centre of the...
P011 ... Areopagus (or Mars Hill) the composite form of the Greek name Areios Pagos, translated
P012 ... according to Greek mythology, Ares (the god of war, known to the Romans as Mars) was tried here by the gods for the murder of Poseidon's son Alirrothios. It...
P013 Temple of Hephaestus, viewed from the Acropolis... also known as the Hephaisteion or earlier as the Theseion, built between 449-415 BC.
P014 ... a Doric peripteral temple, located at the northwest side of the Agora of Athens, on top of the Agoraios Kolonos hill. From the 7th century until 1834, it...
P016 ... landing with the Monument of Agrippa, originally dedicated in 178 BC in honor of a Pergamene charioteer's victory in the Panathenaic Games... and the...
P017 The Propylaia of the Athenian Acropolis, built on the west side of the hill, where the gate of the Mycenaean fortification once stood. The first propylon or...
P019 ... the monumental Propylaia today were part of the great Periklean building program, erected in 437-432 BC, after the completion of the Parthenon...
P020 ... pi-shaped building of Pentelic marble frames the entrance to the sacred precinct... central section (the propylon proper), an outer (west) and inner (east)...
P021 ... central section followed the configuration of the terrain so the east portico and its crowning pediment were placed higher than those to the west. The two...